Cold Brew is becoming increasingly popular. It’s easy to make, healthy, and brings out many new flavors from your tea. Especially real teas made from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant work very well as cold brew. Although we also found some herbal and fruit teas that are delicious as cold brew. After extensive testing and experimenting, we have bundled our 6 favorite teas for cold brew in this delightful cold brew package.
To make Cold Brew, fill a bottle with clean water, add tea leaves, and let it steep in the refrigerator for several hours. Unlike iced tea, cold brew does not involve boiling water. You can remove the tea leaves or leave them in and add extra water each time you pour a glass. The result? A wonderfully refreshing drink for hot summer days!
This cold brew tea package includes:
- Shangri-La AMBAR, a premium white tea from Nepal (40 grams)
- Honey Black, an exclusive black tea from Taiwan (70 grams)
- Sencha Fukujyu, green tea from Japan (100 grams)
- Dark Pearl Oolong, an exclusive Oolong tea from Taiwan (70 grams)
- Rose Hip Symphony, rosehip tea with strawberries (100 grams)
- Greek Mountain Tea, a pure herbal infusion (60 grams)
Please note: Occasionally, a particular tea may not be available for an extended period. In such cases, we reserve the right to replace one of the teas in this package with the best possible alternative. We always ensure that, if this happens, we send you a tea of equal value.
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